Acacia angustissima Whiteball Acacia
DECIDUOUS SHRUB. Seldom more than 2 m tall, and may freeze back
almost completely in winter. Stems very hairy, grooved, thornless.
Leaves large, bipinnate, with hairy leafstalks. Spherical clusters
of fluffy white flowers are loosely grouped at the end of a stem, not in
leaf axils. Blooms May-July. Seedpods flat, thin, dark brown,
with oval seeds. Rare in the Empires along washes in desert grassland,
often with other
Acacia and Mimosa. Other Acacia
have much smaller leaves, except A. millefolia which has smooth
stems, elongate flower clusters, broader pods, and rounder seeds.
Mimosa aculeaticarpa has much smaller leaves and pods, stout thorns,
flowers in the leaf axils, and the stamens are thicker and less crowded.
Lysiloma watsonii (not found in the Empires, but known from the
Rincons) is a taller shrub or tree and has hairless stems that are not
FAMILY: Fabaceae (Pea Family)