Ant Slayer I
(Scroll down to see our new solar oven)
Parabolic Solar Cooker
- 2.4 meter diameter
- ~2700 watts
- Cost US$8.00
- Time to ignite paper: 10 ~ 120 seconds depending on sky conditions
Newly completed cooker. Cooker was constructed pretty much the way it looks: take old satellite dish, remove electronics, cover with aluminum foil, aim toward sun. The aluminum foil is held in place with spray glue.
Paper smoking after seven seconds in focus. | Paper burning after twenty seconds. |
Making Tea
Lorena checking tea.
Welding goggles are necessary when standing in front of the cooker. We haven't tried it yet but we suspect that looking directly into the focal point with a naked eye would cause a rather painful case of permanent blindness.
Preparing lamb meatballs for Easter dinner. The lamb cooked in about half the time required in a conventional oven.
Dan boiling water.
A single egg fries in three to four minutes (in early May).
Fried bananas
Popcorn popping on the Summer Solstice
Sun Oven
After a year of using the parabolic cooker we decided to try something a little more practical and purchased a solar oven manufactured by Sun Ovens International. This cooker is designed for everyday cooking.
The Sun Oven is simple to use: set up, stick food inside, aim at sun. In the short time we have been using it we have cooked everything from pork chops to apple sauce, roast chicken to bread.
Chocolate chip oatmeal cookies bake in a cast iron skillet in twenty minutes.
Strawberry pie bakes in ninety minutes.
Two loaves of bread bake in about an hour.